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Thursday 9 June 2011

Goodbye McGuinty Free Scooter

I am donating a handicap Scooter and lift and will deliver it to the recipients place of residence
Any handicaped Ontarians name  can be submited to  
the draw will be on October/06/2011
Ontarians have been burdened under the leadership of the McGuinty government who has left us with a health care system void of compassion and without family doctors
If I provide one Ontarian with mobility 
 It may mean one more vote to celebrate the occasion

Monday 6 June 2011


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Do you have a Goodbye McGuinty Button ?

We have to do a complete house cleaning Make October Election the best in history
speak with everyone you know . Be it at work  , at school  , at home  ,on Twitter on Facebook
Let's Restore and Save Ontario we have the tools to do it with and one  Day to do it in

Saturday 4 June 2011

Kevorkian Advocate for Euthanasia and McGuinty

Do you have a Goodbye McGuinty Button

Dr. Kevorkian was an Advocate for Euthanasia Died June 04/2011 2:30 AM

Last night I was up at 4:30 A.M.- Sicker than a dog so I got up for a few hours and took whatever medication I could find in my medcine cabinet ... most of it expired. No use for me to go to the hospital , I don't have a doctor which I can call and I am to sick to spend the night in an emergency waiting room.
I logged on to my network to find that Dr.Kervorkian had just died.
He went to Jail in his role as Advocate for Active  Euthanasia .
Whereas Dalton McGuinty and his Liberals get away with their
complicity in Passive Euthanasia , and  be it willingly or not , they should be held accountable and not have sovereign immunity for
what is construed as criminal action.
I am serious about seing the removal of all the Liberal Ontario Politicians from Queens Park without exception.
It is not a question of convincing Ontarians it is merely a question of having them show up at the polls for the October Election to fill out a ballot .   Save our Province so once again

Hold McGuinty and The Liberals Accountable For Health Care Colapse

Do you have a Goodbye McGuinty Button

Friday 3 June 2011

Live and Learn and Let Live Ontario Yours To Discover

Do you have a Goodbye McGuinty Button

Ontario Yours To Discover

Ontario is a beautiful province and it is worth saving
The era from Hitler to McGuinty is the one I was blessed with
 that was a legacy from my parents who were born in 1903 and 1906. They saw a world of change and so did I.
It truly was a life of plenty and we Thanked God for It !
I came out or retirement because since  McGuinty and his Liberal government took over I have been overwhelmed by the sensation of apocalyptic times. We have global warming and
a lot of events that are out of our control. 2011 has been the worst year for Tornadoes and Tsunamies.
I am connected to thousands of people on flickr and we share
photography and promote relief from disasters by encouraging donations to the Red Cross and other groups.Moral support brings hope charity and friends .We connect from all over the world .You can visit and join my groups
are three are examples of what we camera nuts are all about

I prefer spending my time with photography rather than politics  however I was not given a choice.When I came back to my Community Elliot Lake Ontario I ended up without a family doctor ,   I saw this town grow out of the wilderness, I worked in the hospital and on the ambulance and we had a medical facility and doctors and nurses and care givers which were truly compassionate caring loving dedicated people.
Things Change ! Now health care connect connects me to an answering machine that is programed with a one liner
"We are updating our services...CLICK..bzzzzzzz"
Next call a few weeks later to health care connect - Hello ?did I call this TD Visa's  answering service ?I don't understand the jargon... Where is my GOODBYE McGUINTY BUTTON !!!
It is somewhat humourous but not at all funny.
God did not pull the plug on Ontario McGuinty did !
The  October Election can  put us back on track we are resilliant people we picked ourselves up after Hitler and a generation of Baby Boomers flourished.
We can rebuild after McGuinty and forgive ourselves for our iniquities as we let the Liberals do this to Ontario. Let's be more mindful of our inheritance and do our duty as Ontarians
and vote . Meanwhile wear your GOODBYE McGUINTY BUTTONS 
For the next generation ONTARIO YOURS TO DISCOVER


Do you have a Goodbye McGuinty Button

I like to catch fish but I don't like being suckered in.
It is time for a mass exodus at Queens Park. I am convinced that McGuinty and his brood have over extended their stay. Ontarians have a voice and they all have a Goodbye McGuinty Button
 in their hearts. OCTOBER ELECTION is the path to restoring our province and no Liberals should be left behind in parliament   

Ontario October 06 Election

It took seven days for God to build the world and it took seven years for McGuinty to destoy Ontario. McGuinty wanted to take God out of politics and he wanted to take God out of our children's soul. He devised a plan whereas small children would be exposed to Oral sex and masterbation and cunnilingus through the educational system. In his mind because Google Porn
and the Internet are rampant with content worst than Sodom and Gomorah and because of its easy access he believes it is a viable reason to justify the introduction of sex education for as young as grade three.I do not know or want to know his views on child porn. He refused to provide parental controls on public computers in libraries and schools because the government is not responsible
for what the child does on the internet it is the parents responsibility.Do not try to understand his logic or thinking process.
McGuinty admits lying to the people of Ontario and believes he is vindicated because he is in a position that makes it impossible to follow through . He promises to fulfil impossible promisses so the oxymoron eliviates him from all moral wrongdoing and he burdens those whom placed their trust
in his promises...
Exerpts: In seven years of Dalton McGuinty governing there is $18 billion in health tax that doesn’t even go to healthcare . He Wasted $1 billion in the eHealth scandal.
Diverted $250 million from front line care to administration and salaries at the LHINs.
Doubled the wait lists for long-term care beds to 25,000 seniors.
Failed to secure a family doctor for the roughly 1 million Ontarians without one.
Drove up the number of people travelling to the United States for health care by a shocking 450%.
Wasted millions on Liberal friendly consultants at Cancer Care Ontario.
Cut 2,400 front line nursing positions in the last 18 months alone.
Dalton McGuinty’s record speaks for itself ...and this is just the tip of the iceburge
McGuinty possibly believes in his lies, the fact is , it is insulting to hear him speak about the good things he did for Ontario when we are confronted with the total reversal of what he says.
The health care is ruined , the province is deteriorating and the HST just put another load on the working man. Retired people are trapped and everything Ontarians worked for and accumulated is being dredged from their personal accounts.
I am not going to continue, please take The Goodbye McGuinty button seriously and bid him farewell and all his Liberal cohorts who let their supporting voters down by playing their roles as puppets.
If you wish to expound on the contents of my open letter we can do it after election day October 06/2011